Life Coaching

Just like a therapist, a life coach is someone who can help you identify strengths and weaknesses and overcome obstacles holding you back. They help an individual or team identify a goal (i.e. winning) and then they develop a plan for that person or group. It’s pretty straightforward—and the same holds true for life coaching.
Life coaching focuses on what’s happening right now, what a person wants next, and how that gap can be bridged.
Coaching is about helping people identify the obstacles that keep getting in their way, assisting them with finding motivation and pinpointing any resistance to change. A life coach is a broad term—you can also find business coaches, executive coaches, leadership coaches, and health coaches, but a life coach is typically most helpful when you’re thinking about your overall future. Coaching can be therapeutic, but there are some major differences between life coaching and therapy. A coach looks at your present to help you create the future you desire, while a therapist looks at your past to help you manage your present.
So while coaching is action-oriented, therapy is insight-oriented.
Life coaching has grown to be a hugely successful form of talking therapy, to the extent that it has helped turn people’s lives around.